Geno Smith asks incoming Jets brass for ‘chance to compete’

Geno Smith has one request for the next head coach and general manager of the Jets.

“All I can ask for is the chance to compete,” Smith said.

That’s fine, but his inconsistent performance played a significant part in Monday’s decision by owner Woody Johnson to fire Rex Ryan and GM John Idzik. Whoever comes in to replace the pair will have no allegiance to Smith. Still, the quarterback remains confident he can do the job.

“I believe in myself and my ability,” Smith said in the Jets locker room, one day after he put up a perfect QB rating in a season-ending victory over the Dolphins. “I think I have the ability to be a starting quarterback. I know that it’s gonna be hard work. I’ve got to go in and compete, and that’s all I can ask for.”

He didn’t make things easy on himself this season, particularly when he threw three interceptions in the first quarter against the Bills on Oct. 26. The horrid stretch landed Smith on the bench in favor of Michael Vick.

“As a competitor, it definitely gave me that extra incentive, I guess you could say, to go out there and play even harder,” Smith said. “I always play my hardest and always try to make the right decisions, but when the result is a benching because of your decision-making, then you really know I’ve got to make the right choice at all times.”

Geno Smith gestures after a touchdown during the Jets’ season finale.Charles Wenzelberg

Smith eventually got the starting job back and played his best game in Sunday’s season finale, completing 20 of 25 pass attempts for 358 yards, three TDs and no interceptions.

Johnson said Monday he hadn’t lost faith in the second-year player. The team has the sixth overall pick in the draft.

“I think he’s a young quarterback who [in] the last five games has gotten much, much better,” Johnson said. “The last five games he played pretty well.”

And the owner believes the best is still in front of Smith.

“He’ll make better decisions as he moves on,” Johnson said. “I’ve got confidence in Geno. I really think he can be good.”

Whether Johnson’s new front office will agree is another matter.

“Once we figure out who the coach is and who the GM is, I’m gonna talk to them and find out what direction they want me to go in and where I need to improve,” Smith said. “I’ve got some goals myself this offseason. I want to get bigger, stronger and faster and become … smarter.”

That includes dealing with distractions. He shouted an expletive at a heckler as he walked off the field following a loss to Detroit in September, and he said he got confused by the time difference on the West Coast when he was late for a meeting before the game in San Diego.

“New York will toughen you,” Smith said. “It’s a place where you’ve got to have thick skin. We all know that.”

Those issues, he insisted, haven’t soured him on the team or the town.

“Everyone’s different,” Smith said. “It hasn’t made me bitter. I’m not bitter at all. You’ve just got to get smarter and know how to adjust. Experience is always the best professor.”

Now he just has to get that opportunity.

“We’re all in the same boat right now,” Smith said. “We’re anxious. We want to see who it is. I can’t wait to get back to work.”