
College, charity pledge support for sons of slain NYPD officer

An outpouring of support has reached the sons of murdered NYPD Officer Rafael Ramos.

A charity serving the children of fallen local cops and firefighters set aside $40,000 in college tuition for Ramos’ two boys, while Bowdoin College, where one of them attends, pledged to cover his full education bill.

Silver Shield Foundation Chairman Billy Walters said Monday that the organization, founded by late New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner and Olympic medalist James E. Fuchs, set some of its money aside for Ramos’ two sons.

One of the boys, Justin Ramos, is a sophomore at Bowdoin, and the other, Jaden, attends Charles O. Dewey MS in Sunset Park, Brooklyn.

The president of Bowdoin, a liberal arts college in Brunswick, Maine, also sent out an email lamenting the death of Ramos, who was shot by a deranged man Saturday along with Officer Wenjian Liu.

Liu had no children.

“This is an unspeakable tragedy, and our hearts go out to Justin and his family. We are a close community, and we share in Justin’s pain and anguish,” President Barry Mills wrote.

Dean of students Tim Foster called Justin on Sunday to offer his condolences and the college’s pledge to cover the rest of his degree, spokesman Scott Hood told The Post.

“Given these tragic circumstances, we thought this was the right thing to do,” Hood said.

“We are grateful for the Yankee Silver Shield Foundation’s offer to assist, but Bowdoin has it covered,” Bowdoin added in a press release.

New Yorkers can still help contribute to the education of Ramos’ younger son, Jaden, or the children of other fallen cops and firefighters from the tri-state area through Silver Shield.

Contributions can be made to: Silver Shield Foundation, 870 United Nations Plaza, 1st Floor, New York, NY 10017.