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ISIS supporter arrested for threatening Darren Wilson on Facebook

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A Washington state man, who proudly displays an ISIS flag on his Facebook page, was arrested for allegedly making threats against the life of the Ferguson, Mo., police officer who fatally shot unarmed black teen Michael Brown in August.

Jaleel Tariq Abdul-Jabbaar, 46, wrote Facebook posts demanding, “We need to kill this white motha f***a and anything that has a badge on,” according to a Daily Mail report.

He “knowingly and willfully transmitted in interstate and foreign commerce threats against Wilson’s life,” according to a criminal complaint. He also was accused of trying to get a gun to carry out his wishes.

If convicted, Abdul-Jabbaar faces a maximum of five years in prison.

The father of three has removed some of his Facebook posts, but several were read in court, including one from Nov. 24, the day a grand jury decided not to indict Officer Darren Wilson. In it, he wrote, “Ready to go and kills some cops.” He included a photo of Wilson.

The next day, he uploaded a cartoon of a black man killing a white cop and wrote, “We black folks should’ve been doing this to the police last night.”

Acting U.S. Attorney Annette L. Hayes said in a statement: “We are fortunate to live in a country where the right to speak out about current events and disagree with our government is protected by the highest law of the land. Our freedom of speech does not, however, extend to making threats to kill or injure law enforcement officers.”

Abdul-Jabbaar was born William Cox and changed his name when he converted to Islam in 1990.

He has previously been convicted of various crimes, including selling crack, domestic violence, weapons possession and assault.

Wilson resigned from the Ferguson Police Department on Sunday amid death threats against him and other cops.