
Lackluster support for de Blasio’s horse carriage ban

Mayor Bill de Blasio will have to twist arms on the City Council to get the 26 votes he’ll need to pass a bill banishing carriage horses from Central Park in 2016.

A majority of council members told The Post on Monday that they’re either undecided on the measure or don’t agree that the plan to offer a green-taxi permit — worth about $6,000 — in exchange for a horse-drawn carriage license is fair.

“Based on conversations I’ve had with my colleagues, there’s more support for the industry than there is for a ban,” said Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley (D-Queens).

“This is a labor-friendly council. I don’t believe this is an animal rights issue — it’s an anti-labor issue.”

Sources say the administration is prepared to up its offer — giving up to five green-cab permits per driver — to help close the deal.

But Teamsters Local 553 Executive Director Demos Demopoulos, whose union represents the 300 drivers, said there’s no way they’re trading hooves for wheels.

“We’re not interested in the green-cab thing,” he said.

The mayor also faces opposition from the Working Families Party, which is usually on his side, and from the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce.

“I think it’s a mistake,” Queens Democratic Councilman Rory Lancman said of the proposal.

“Trying to convert horse-carriage drivers into taxi drivers misunderstands that for horse-carriage drivers, this isn’t just a livelihood, it’s a way of life.”

Council sources said the mayor doesn’t appear to be putting all of his political might behind the legislation.

Some sources said he’s presenting a bill to appease the wealthy animal lovers who spent about $1 million on negative ads that took down rival Christine Quinn.

De Blasio promised to ban the carriage horses from Day One during his campaign.

“I can’t support this,” said another opponent, Democratic Councilman Mark Weprin of Queens.

“My argument all along has been that I won’t vote to eliminate jobs and tourism dollars. Handing out medallions doesn’t solve the job problem, and it certainly doesn’t solve the tourism problem.”

Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito (D-Manhattan) has been supportive of the ban from the start, but she acknowledged Monday that the bill faces tough going.

“I have confidence that we’re going to have a good, thorough debate on this one,” she said.

The mayor’s office declined comment.