
Thousands protest Ferguson decision in NYC

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A driver in Midtown argues with people while they protest against the verdict announced in the shooting death of Michael Brown.Reuters
Thousands in Times Square protest the grand jury ruling in the shooting death of Michael Brown.Christopher Sadowski
Paul Martinka
Paul Martinka
Christopher Sadowski
Protesters head to busy roadways and stop traffic after leaving Union Square.Wayne Carrington
Wayne Carrington
Wayne Carrington
Wayne Carrington
Wayne Carrington
Getty Images

Thousands of protesters swarmed the Manhattan streets Tuesday night to rage against a grand jury’s decision not to indict the Ferguson cop who killed an unarmed teen — clogging streets, blocking bridges and causing frustration among rank-and-file cops who were told not to do more to stop them.

Some 3,000 demonstrators marched for more than seven hours, at various times blocking the Lincoln Tunnel, the FDR Drive, the West Side Highway and several East River bridges.

Despite the disruption, protesters — who did not have a permit to march — were allowed to continue around the city, and only five arrests were reported by early Wednesday.

Norman Smith of New Jersey protests the Ferguson grand jury decision Nov. 25.Chad Rachman

“I’m between baffled and frustrated,” one steamed cop told The Post. “We’re cops and we’re not allowed to take police action. If that’s the case, I could be home watching this on TV and laughing like the rest of the country.”

Another cop, who said ­officers were instructed to go easy on the rabble-rousers as they blocked major arteries, believed it was unfair to everyday New Yorkers.

“Why are they letting the protesters ruin hardworking people’s drive home to be with their families?” the officer said.

The cops admitted not actually seeing acts of vandalism or violence.

The protests began in the afternoon when a crowd gathered in Union Square.

At first it looked as if the NYPD was going to get tough, as some 2,000 cops were told to deploy in full riot gear.

But as the mob snaked through Midtown and blocked the Lincoln Tunnel entrance at West 40th Street and 11th Avenue for about 20 minutes, it was clear officers were using a light hand.

A crowd of thousands then walked across town and got onto the roadway of the FDR Drive, blocking traffic for 45 minutes. They chanted, “Indict! Convict! Send those killer cops to jail!” as gridlocked motorists steamed.

Protesters clash with police near the Lincoln Tunnel as they protest the Ferguson grand jury decision Nov. 25.Chad Rachman

“I was supposed to catch my bus at 8 and now this,” said Keyia Ratchford, 30, of Harlem, who was stuck in a cab. She said she was just trying to get out of town for Thanksgiving, and the protest was costing her money as the taxi meter kept running.

“If I don’t catch the bus, I won’t be able to make it down to North Carolina and I probably won’t see my kids until Christmas,” she said.

The protesters had no permit, police officials said.

Permits are required for any demonstration or rally on city streets. But the NYPD says it has discretion based on the situation.

“As long as they remain nonviolent, as long as they don’t engage in issues that cause fear or create vandalism, we will work with them to allow them to demonstrate,” said NYPD Commissioner William Bratton.

Ten people were charged, most with disorderly conduct, and released with desk appearance tickets. Some were also hit with an additional charge of resisting arrest.

Additional reporting by Matt McNulty and Lia Eustachewich

People protest in Times Square on Nov. 25 against the verdict in the shooting death of Michael Brown.Reuters