US News

Car plows through crowd protesting Ferguson decision

MINNEAPOLIS — A rally in Minneapolis turned scary when a car hit and then drove through several protesters.

Several hundred people gathered Tuesday afternoon near the 3rd Precinct police outpost to show solidarity with Michael Brown. Helicopter footage from KSTP-TV showed the car pushing through protesters and driving over at least one. A woman suffered minor injuries.

The driver of the car called police soon after to report the incident, the Associated Press reported. Police said the incident is under investigation.

People protesting the Ferguson, Missouri, grand jury decision took to the streets in cities across the US for a second day Tuesday, showing that the racially charged case has inflamed tensions even hundreds of miles from the predominantly black St. Louis suburb.

Peaceful demonstrators marched in Seattle and disrupted traffic in St. Louis and Cleveland. Rallies also formed in New Jersey, Maine, Maryland and elsewhere.

For many, the shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson recalled other troubling encounters with law enforcement. The refrain “Hands up, don’t shoot” became a rallying cry over police killings nationwide.