
Fans on Twitter mock Lifetime’s Aaliyah biopic in droves

Fans might not have expected much from the Lifetime TV biopic about Aaliyah. It aired Saturday night, showing the tragic story of the beloved R&B singer who was killed in a plane crash in 2001.

But even those willing to give it a chance were aghast at the quality, immediately taking to the Internet to register their complaints, which ranged from the absence of any of Aaliyah’s actual songs (the family did not give permission to use them in the movie) to the casting decisions — many of the characters looked nothing like their real-world counterparts.

That included Alexandra Shipp, who was hastily brought in to fill the title role after Disney star Zendaya Coleman quit the project. The casting led frustrated fans to create their own mocking hashtag, #Lifetimebelike, to envision other fantasy poorly casted projects on the network. Here are a few of the best.

Orlando Jones is due for a resurgence

Sure looks like The Rock


Never say never indeed

Ryde or die


OK, this one might actually work