US News

‘White Widow’ jihadist killed by Russian sniper

A British woman, the accused terrorist dubbed the “White Widow,” has been killed by a Russian sniper in Ukraine, a Russian news service reported Wednesday.

Samantha Lewthwaite, 30, was gunned down two weeks ago, the Regnum news agency in Moscow said.

Lewthwaite was married to Germaine Lindsay, a suicide bomber who killed 26 commuters on a London subway — in the “7/7” attacks on July 7, 2005.

She allegedly fled Britain in 2009.

Lewthwaite has been linked to the Islamic terror group that carried out a shopping mall massacre in Nairobi, Kenya, last year.

Recent reports had also connected her to ISIS and she was allegedly training female jihadists to become suicide bombers in Syria.

But Regnum said she was with Ukrainian forces attempting to keep the Russians from advancing west.