
Grey Goose’s partnership with Virgin Galactic hits a bump

The Grey Goose marketing people must be scratching their heads about what to do with their partnership with Virgin Galactic following the space tragedy where a pilot lost his life.

The two companies threw a huge bash at the American Museum of Natural History back in September, with Grey Goose mixing up space-inspired vodka cocktails to promote the association. Virgin’s Richard Branson also hosted a panel on space travel.

While alcohol and flying a complex rocket to space may not immediately seem like a smart association, the two firms made an inspiring video featuring their joint passion for breaking frontiers. Grey Goose is made in France, more famous for its wine makers.

Robert Passikoff, founder of Brand Keys, contends that vodka and space travel do go hand in hand. “The Russians,” he jokes. His advice to the vodka brand is to lie low and say little.

He says Grey Goose, is No. 1 in customer loyalty in the vodka sector and won’t suffer any fallout.

“Virgin is really a label of the Branson brand. The fact is he’s always been regarded as a bit of a loony,” Passikoff said.

Grey Goose won’t say what’s next for the two, but a promotional video of Virgin Galactic’s space ambitions remains front and center on the Grey Goose Web site.

The company said in a statement, “As an official partner of Virgin Galactic, Grey Goose extends its sympathy to the Virgin Galactic community, as well as the families of the crew at this difficult time. Grey Goose remains committed to the partnership and will offer Virgin Galactic its full support during this difficult time.”

Branson met with future astronauts this week at his Caribbean island to discuss the next mission, according to reports. Celebs slated to travel to space with Virgin Galactic include: Tom Hanks, Ashton Kutcher, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Pitt and Lady Gaga. They might need a strong drink to muster the courage.