Halloween Bill Belichick is the best Bill Belichick

It’s two days before the Patriots’ showdown with the Broncos on Sunday, so you’d expect Bill Belichick to be even more buttoned up than usual.

But that’s before you realize what day it is. Because apparently Halloween turns the stone-faced Patriots coach into a little kid again.

Belichick joined ESPN Radio’s “Mike & Mike” Friday morning in Foxborough in advance of the AFC collision. Mike Greenberg was dressed as Tom Brady and Mike Golic’s costume centered on the classic Belichick hoodie.

“Good being on with you morons this morning … Look at this, you didn’t even cut the sleeves short enough,” an all-smiles Belichick said.

History shows that Belichick does have an affinity for this holiday.

In NFL Films “A Football Life: Bill Belichick,” the surly sideline boss is asked by former Patriots wide receiver Randy Moss in 2009 about a Halloween party.

“You are not interested in that, are you?” Moss asks.

First, Belichick jokes about dressing up the devil and then:

“It’s a great holiday. Candy and costumes, how can you beat that?”

That would be good enough, but then Belichick even shows up for the party dressed as the finest pirate this side of Jack Sparrow, with girlfriend Linda Holliday on his arm.

Holliday re-posted the photo of the two of them on Instagram this Halloween morning.