
Teen who scaled city skyscraper arrested for trespassing

A daredevil teen photographer who secretly scaled what will become the city’s tallest residential tower hit a new low Tuesday — appearing in Manhattan criminal court to face charges for his jaunt.

Demid Lebedev, 17, was arraigned on a criminal-trespassing rap after scampering up the more than 1,000-foot Park Avenue building that’s under construction, authorities said.

“It took about an hour and a half to climb up,” Lebedev reportedly told cops of his pre-dawn excursion Sept. 26. “I went to the top of the crane.”

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Nice end to a long day. #highnightlife

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Lebedev snapped photos of the view and posted them on Instagram and Twitter — and the pictures ultimately led to his arrest after building security and cops got wind of them, sources said.

“I went to heaven and back,” the teen crowed on Instagram.

Lebedev calls himself an urban historian and goes by the name “demidism” on Instagram.

He had a 15-year-old accomplice in the scheme, but the younger teen’s name was not released because he’s a juvenile, officials said.

When a Post photographer snapped Lebedev’s picture and complimented his skills, he explained, “I’m self-taught.”

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I went to heaven and back. #skydreamsmag

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