NFL’s Ray McDonald case adds sordid layer with earlier gun incident

SAN JOSE, Calif. — Police say they responded to an argument at 49ers defensive lineman Ray McDonald’s home in San Jose three months before his arrest there on suspicion of domestic violence.

According to a police report released Thursday, an engaged couple got into an argument at the home on May 25 during which the woman grabbed the man’s gun and held it at her side.

Police do not identify the couple by name. McDonald is known to live at the address with his fiancee.

The report says the woman did not make any threats or point the firearm at the man.

San Jose police officer Albert Morales tells the San Jose Mercury News the May case was closed, and no charges were filed.

McDonald was arrested in August. He has not been charged. He has remained in the lineup for the 49ers as other NFLers implicated in violent episodes — such as Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson, Greg Hardy and Jonathan Dwyer — have been banished by their respective teams.