
Gillibrand: I wanted to tell colleague to go f–k himself

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand dropped an f-bomb during an interview Monday, while trashing a loudmouth male colleague who criticized her weight.

The New York Democrat said she was enraged when the politician had the gall to tell her she was too fat to win election after giving birth to her second child.

“I had to just sit there and talk to him,” Gillibrand said in the interview, posted on the Huffington Post.

“I switched the subject and I didn’t hear another word he said, but I wasn’t in a place where I could tell him to go f–k himself.”

In her new book released last week, the senator mentions a number of episodes where she had to endure sexist comments on Capitol Hill. One lawmaker even told her, “I like my girls chubby” while squeezing her waist, she said.

“It’s all horrible,” Gillibrand said, adding that women “get comments like this all the time.”