
Rally on Staten Island to support police on Sept. 27

Supporters of the NYPD are holding a pro-police rally on Staten Island on Sept. 27 to counter the Rev. Al Sharpton’s march there last month.

“It seems our country and city have lost sight of the values that made this country great. It also seems many people have lost their appreciation and respect for our law-enforcement officers who put their hearts and lives on the line every day,” says a flier being distributed by a group calling itself Citizens in Support for All Law Enforcement Agencies.

“You are welcome to join us and show support for the effort our police of all local agencies try to do to protect our citizens,” says the flier, which was drafted by retired police Detective Ken Petersen and Staten Island civic leader Jack Furnari.

The rally is tentatively scheduled to be held at the Dolphin Circle at Father Capodanno Boulevard and Sand Lane in South Beach from 11 a. m. to 2 p.m.

Hundreds of the fliers have been distributed throughout the borough, including outside schools.

Many teachers slammed the leadership of their union, the United Federation of Teachers, for co-sponsoring the Sharpton march that protested the chokehold death of Eric Garner.

“The rally is to show there is another side and that people want to show support for the police. It’s pro-police rather than anti-anything, ” Furnari said.

He said the rally also will honor police officers who died in the line of the duty.