
Samsung unveils new Galaxy Note 4

Samsung is taking innovation to the edge — of the screen, that is.

The gadget maker launched two new phones on Wednesday — just six days before Apple is expected to take the wraps off its iPhone 6.

One of Samsung’s new phones, dubbed the Galaxy Note Edge, comes with a screen that wraps around the edge of one side of the device to give the phone a larger screen size without the bulk, Samsung said.

The curved screen also allows the phone maker to save the space for virtual buttons in certain apps, and to display the weather, time and date when the phone is shut off.

The 5.6-inch Android device will be sold through all of the major mobile phone operators this fall. The price has not yet been disclosed, but previous Samsung Note phones sold for between $200 and $300 with a two-year contract.

In addition to the Edge, Samsung launched the Galaxy Note 4, which the company vowed will come with “the best mobile display ever,” including a 16-megapixel rear camera and 3.7 mega pixel front camera.

The phone also comes with a stylus that fits easily into the phone’s body, making note-taking easier for people who hate typing on small keys.

The company will be holding demos of its new products on Thursday at an AT&T store at 250 W. 57th St., a spokeswoman told The Post.

Samsung also jumped onto the virtual reality bandwagon on Wednesday with its new Gear VR headset. The goggles, which allow a Galaxy Note 4 to act as the screen, were made in conjunction with Oculus VR, the virtual reality goggle startup company that was purchased by Facebook earlier this year for $2 billion.