Sex & Relationships

This week’s couple: Baby talk

A man with a plan is universally accepted as being attractive. But if the plan is settling down and having children, it can be a pretty heavy conversation topic for a first date. Dylan, 25, is vocal about his desire to get married and have a family, but Jeri, 23, isn’t looking that far into the future. She just wanted to take it one date at a time, starting with her first one with Dylan at the cozy West Village wine bar, Entwine. The two enjoyed talking with one and other, but neither of them saw a second date, let alone a life together.

She said:

The first thing I noticed about Dy-lan was his beautiful blue eyes. I was definitely physically attracted to him, but also nervous. Once we sat down and started talking I felt better.

We’re both students, so it was nice to be able to talk about that. But then, he kept talking about how he wants to get married and have kids. I thought that was a little much for a first date.

I loved Entwine. The atmosphere was perfect for a date, and I would definitely go back. The whole menu was small plates so the meal ended up being fun because we shared everything.

We exchanged numbers and talked about possibly seeing each other again, but I think we are both in different places right now. I’m no-where near ready to settle down and have kids, and he mentioned a few times that he really wants those things. I had fun, but I’m not sure if there is potential for anything long-term.

He said:

After an awkward introduction, Jeri and I quickly got into our conversation.

She was cute and easy to talk to. We are both very liberal and opinionated, so it was easy to talk politics and law, Jeri’s area of expertise. But we ended up talking a lot about Jeri, and she only brought the conversation back to me a few times.

The service at Entwine was very nice and the food was definitely worth going back for. It was quiet and a great place for potential romance.

By the end of a first date, there’s a moment that clicks in my head if I know I like a person. There wasn’t a moment like that with Jeri. There were no bad parts about the date, but no “wow factor.” We exchanged numbers, but I told Jeri I probably wouldn’t have time to see her again for a while.