
Goose’s signature ‘Deuce’ at the US Open

Top-seeded Novak Djokovic leads the world’s best tennis players in the US Open on Monday — and while sports fans will eat up the action, corporate sponsors hope the fans also eat up their food and drink.

Vodka maker Grey Goose is one of those sponsors, and it gave On the Money an inside peek at the signature drink it will be mixing up over the tourney’s two-week stay in Queens.

Called the “Grey Goose Honey Deuce,” the cocktail — made with vodka, raspberry liqueur, lemonade and honeydew melon balls shaped to look like tennis balls — sells for $15 a pop.

Last year, Grey Goose sold 90,000 of the drinks during the event — producing revenue of $1.35 million. This year, the company expects to do even better — it is serving the Deuce in a commemorative glass. The Bacardi-owned brand hopes to sell 125,000 of the cocktails this year — that’s nearly 10,000 a day — and reap sales of $1.9 million.