US News

Ferguson looting spreads to neighboring towns

Protesters rioting in the St. Louis suburb where an unarmed black teen was fatally shot by a white cop have carved a path of destruction into neighboring towns.

In Dellwood, glass from shattered windows was strewn in front of local shops such as the Dellwood Market, a McDonald’s and other shops, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.

In Rehobeth, looters stole pain medication and Xanax from the Rehoboth Pharmacy, its owner said.

“Our city isn’t included in this, but we’ve been dragged into it because we are so close,” griped Dellwood Mayor Reggie Jones.

In Ferguson, where the police killing occurred, merchants such as 911 Hair Salon owner Dellana Jones said the riots were “devastating” businesses.

“It’s been very dead for all of us on this block,” she told the newspaper.

“A lot of my customers fear coming in, and I understand that,” Jones told reporters.

Dellwood resident Virgil Smith, who spent 20 years in the Air Force, said, “At least in Iraq you know who the enemy is. Here you never know. They are all blended in with the community.”