
De Blasio family returns to NYC from vacationing in Italy

Arrivaderci, Roma — Hello, Gracie.

New York’s first family finally left their outer borough digs and moved to the Upper East Side and into Gracie Mansion on Sunday.

Mayor de Blasio and his family — just back from a nine-day excursion to Italy — loaded up two SUVs outside their home in Brooklyn’s Park Slope and became the first residents of Gracie since former mayor Rudy Giuliani and his family.

De Blasio, still in his vacation gear, took a few suitcases, bags, and even hizzoner’s hamper out of one black SUV and handed them to his son Dante before joining daughter Chiara and wife Chirlane to spend their first night in the historic home on the East River.

They will be living at the home, built in 1799, for the rest of de Blasio’s tenure.

In Italy, the family was treated like royalty as hundreds cheered the mayor during a celebration at his grandmother’s hometown of Grassano on Thursday.

A marching band played Italian and US songs while women dressed in traditional garb to honor de Blasio’s ancestors.

The family also made a visit to Venice.

The mayor returns to the city amid a firestorm of criticism over the death of a man on Staten Island after an NYPD officer placed him in an apparent chokehold.