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911 tapes reveal drivers’ worry before highway beat down

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LOS ANGELES — Drivers who called 911 minutes before a woman was videotaped being pummeled by a California Highway Patrol officer worriedly described her wandering barefoot along the shoulder of a Los Angeles freeway.

The CHP released the recordings Thursday in response to a public records request by The Associated Press.

Nine drivers called authorities July 1 to report 51-year-old Marlene Pinnock walking or standing on the shoulder, or attempting to cross lanes of traffic. She was wearing a pink dress, no shoes and carrying a bag.

One caller said she appeared high or drunk. Another said she appeared “loaded.” Multiple drivers expressed distress at not being able to help her.

Video shows Pinnock later being punched in the head by an unidentified CHP officer as she lay pinned on the shoulder of Interstate 10.