
Daredevil Bethpage Air Show stuns spectators

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Air show
The 2014 Bethpage Air Show over Jones Beach attracted triple the audience from last year. Gabriella Bass
Air show
Gabriella Bass
Air show
Gabriella Bass
Air show
Gabriella Bass
Air show
Gabriella Bass
Air show
Gabriella Bass
Air show
Gabriella Bass
Air show
Gabriella Bass
Air show
Gabriella Bass
Air show
Gabriella Bass

The new World Trade Center shines in the background as stunt pilot John Klatt soars high over New York Harbor during the 2014 Bethpage Air Show at Jones Beach State Park.

Saturday’s show featured the Navy Blue Angels and the US Army Golden Knights, flying their F/A-18 Hornets in death-defying formations, wingtips only 18 inches apart. A crowd of over 200,000 people watched from below according to Jones Beach park director Sue Guliani, tripling attendance from last year, when inclement weather — and sequestration — grounded performers.

The show went off without a hitch despite overcast skies. Along with the famous formation squadrons, the Marine Corps’ MV-22 Osprey, half plane and half helicopter, drew cheers as it hovered over the water.