
Woman ‘wanted to pay for contract killing of husband with stamps & old jewelry’

A Lower Manhattan woman who’s been squabbling over money with her unemployed hubby was busted today for allegedly trying to have him killed — and planned to pay for the hit with rare stamps and jewelry, sources told The Post.

Elena Sava-Adams, 57, allegedly arranged the planned contract killing through two female friends who ratted her out to the cops.

The NYPD then got the Brooklyn DA’s Office to send out an undercover investigator with experience posing as a hitman, sources said.

During a meeting this morning, Sava-Adams told the investigator she would lure husband Irving Adams, 66, to a Sheepshead Bay restaurant for lunch on Sunday, after which she wanted him killed in a hit-and-run as they left, source said.

To pay for the hit, Sava-Adams brought the jewelry and stamps, which she said offered to take back and exchange for $10,000 in cash once she collected on her hubby’s life-insurance policy, sources said.

Irving Adams formerly worked for the New York Stock Exchange, but has been unemployed for the past five years, sources said.

His wife is currently being held at the 61st Precinct in Brooklyn, and is expected to be charged with attempted murder, sources said.