
GOP mayoral hopefuls vigorously defend NYPD at debate

The Republican mayoral contenders vigorously defended the NYPD at their debate last night — with John Catsimatidis implying that if his son were ever stopped and frisked, it would be his own fault.

“I would say, ‘Well what did you do to provoke it?’ I would say to him, ‘Were you dressed funny? Were you walking funny? Look funny?’ ” Catsimatidis said when asked how he would respond if cops stopped his college-age son, John.

His opponents, Joe Lhota and George McDonald, also supported the police, amid a news report yesterday that the NYPD has labeled mosques terrorism organizations and uses informants to spy on imams.

Catsimatidis also revealed he has diabetes, when asked if he would release his medical records and disclose the prescription drugs he takes.

He and Lhota said they would release those records, while McDonald simply said a recent physical showed him in good health.

In one of the lighter moments of the debate — which included questions on chemical warfare and a fight over multiplication — the candidates were asked about City Council Speaker Christine Quinn’s plan to distribute stronger city-funded condoms.

“I think we should buy the strongest condoms we can get,” Catsimatidis said.

Lhota blasted Quinn for “pandering,” while McDonald said he would support condoms being made in New York City.