US News

Eleven-year-old boy genius is now a college freshman

U THE MAN! Carson Huey-You is just 11 and taking calculus, physics, history and religion classes as a freshman at Texas Christian University. (AP)

He’s the littlest man on campus.

A brainy 11-year-old from Texas is now a college freshman — plotting a degree in quantum physics while boys his age play video games and ride bikes with friends.

Carson Huey-You told Texas Christian University’s Web site that his first week of college was “overwhelming but exciting and fun” and said he is “still trying to find his groove.”

Everywhere he goes on campus, he is accompanied by mom Claretta Huey-You, and at night he goes back to their Dallas-Fort Worth home.

Carson, who entered eighth grade at age 5, said there are some complications, like “trying to lift things.”

“Mom has to carry my backpack full of books about this thick,” Carson told local ABC affiliate WFAA, holding out his hands.

The youngster is not pledging frats and playing beer pong — although he jokes he’d like to play hoops for the TCU Horned Frogs.

Aiming to become a scientist, the kid has dived into a 14-hour, first-semester course load consisting of calculus, physics, history and religion.

He gained admission to TCU at age 10 with eye-popping academic numbers including a 4.0 high-school GPA and an SAT score of 1770.

Co-valedictorian of his senior class in Grapevine, Texas, Carson also speaks Mandarin Chinese and plays Beethoven on the piano.

The only hang-up was paperwork: TCU admissions dean Ray Brown said Carson couldn’t apply online because the college’s software essentially refused to believe he exists.

“He was completely off the grid when it came to even the most basic of things, like completing an application or completing a financial-aid form,” Brown told TCU360.

“Because of his date of birth, those forms would not accept his application.”

Huey-You has been a prodigy since he was in diapers.

He was reading books before he was potty-trained and could do basic math by age 3.

Still, Carson has plenty of “normal” boyhood interests: sports, swimming, video games, “Star Wars” movies, and episodes of “MythBusters,” “when they blow stuff up,” he said.

He likes to wrestle with his younger brother, Cannan — who at age 7 is already studying at an eighth-grade level and might be the next family member to crack college before he’s allowed to leave the dinner table without his parent’s permission.

Their father, Andre Huey-You, a former pilot, told TCU360 he is “not pushing [Carson] but trying to hold onto his son, so he doesn’t get too far beyond him.”