
Armored-guard lie tests cast doubt on heist

Two armored-truck guards who claimed a random gunman stole $450,000 in a Brooklyn daylight heist failed lie-detector tests — and it’s now being investigated as an inside job, law-enforcement sources told The Post yesterday.

“The driver and courier failed the polygraph miserably,” said a law-enforcement source.

“Some of the questions were, ‘Did you steal the money?’ Failed. ‘Did you plan to steal the money?’ Failed. ‘Did you know the money was going to be stolen?’ Failed. The only question they got right was, ‘What’s your name?’ ”

The armed holdup took place outside a Canarsie check-cashing joint on Rockaway Parkway and Seaview Avenue on Thursday at about 10:30 a.m.

The driver told investigators he let the gunman into the truck after mistaking him for the courier, but law-enforcement sources said the driver’s “mistake” story doesn’t add up.

Video surveillance shows the gunman and the courier dressed completely differently — the courier in his green uniform shirt and the gunman in a gray jacket.

And the truck has large windows that would allow the driver to identify anyone knocking to get in.

“There are front-door windows. You can clearly see through them,” said the source.

Once the gunman was inside the truck, the driver took him to Linden Boulevard in Brownsville, where he grabbed the worker’s phone and keys and fled with the cash in a white duffel bag.

The driver and courier agreed to take the FBI polygraph test they failed, the sources said.

They were released without charges while the investigation goes on and could not be reached for comment.

“It’s just a matter of time, of placing the pieces into a tight presentation,” said one source, who identified the driver as Marlon McLaughlin.

Polygraph tests are not admissible in court but are used by investigators to build a case.