US News

US Marine helicopter carrying 21 crashes near N.Korea border

A U.S. Navy CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopter like the one that crashed yesterday near the North Korean border.

A U.S. Navy CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopter like the one that crashed yesterday near the North Korean border. (Chad Rachman/New York Post)

A US military helicopter taking part in a training exercise has crashed near the North Korean border.

The aircraft, identified as a CH-53 US Marine helicopter, was carrying a total of 21 personnel during a joint South Korea-US drill but there are said to be no apparent casualties.

All were taken to hospital but 15 were quickly released. The remaining six are in stable condition.

The “hard landing” happened in Cheolwon county, on the border with North Korea, a US official said.

An investigation is underway to determine the cause of the incident.

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“>The Sun.