
WATCH: Dolan calls new Pope Francis ‘savvy,’ says not to expect major doctrinal changes

New York’s Timothy Cardinal Dolan hailed the elevation of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, calling the new pontiff an ideal combo of intellect and charm.

The 76-year-old Argentinian Bergoglio, who took the name Francis following his election yesterday, follows Pope Benedict XVI and John Paul II as leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics.

Benedict XVI was admired for his intellect while Catholics adored the charismatic John Paul II.

“I hope God gives him [Francis] a good decade,” Dolan told “CBS This Morning.” “Some have said that Pope Francis has the mind of a Benedict and the heart of a John Paul II.”

Dolan joined his fellow Catholics of the Western Hemisphere in celebrating the first pope from this half of the planet.

Francis’ elevation shows the “amazing expanse of the church in what we might call the second and third worlds,” according to Dolan.

“Latin America is just bursting with Catholic life. Now they got their problems and challenges … and this man just elevated is very savvy about them,” Dolan said.

“But in general, he has an intense admiration for the deeply profound, rich Catholic chemistry of South America, of Latin America and it shows the universality of the Catholic Church.”

New York’s Catholic leader said he doesn’t expect Pope Francis to stray from basic church doctrine. But Francis’ election itself could signal a loosening grip on the church by Roman-centric leaders.

“It’s no secret that there’s a general sentiment among the leadership of the church that the Roman Curia … does need some attention and that the oil of the machinery of the church universal needs some oiling,” Dolan said. “OK and some cleaning.”