
Kids hot for Bieber ‘SNL’ tix

Dozens of shivering “Beliebers” camped out for hours in the driving sleet and snow yesterday for a chance to grab tickets to see the teen sensation host “Saturday Night Live” tonight.

The line at Rockefeller Center grew as fans braced themselves against worsening conditions with tarps, blankets, umbrellas and sleeping bags — some spending more than 24 hours in the cold.

“I’ve been here since 11 a.m. [Thursday]. It’s definitely worth it,” said Tanya Smithers, 18, of Buffalo, at the front of the line. “The only way I’d leave is if it was a whiteout.”

Standby tickets are usually doled out at 7 a.m. Saturday, but Beliebers got a break when tickets started being passed out at 6 p.m., as the storm was bearing down.