Ready or not fans, here comes Tebow


CINCINNATI — On a preseason field populated by replacement officials, here came the replacement quarterback.

Not any replacement quarterback. This one was wearing a green-and-white 15 jersey. This one had the eyes of Paul Brown Stadium — and New York and beyond — fixed unblinkingly on him. This one is followed more religiously than any backup quarterback in the history of the NFL.

This one is Tim Tebow.

And so, when he trotted into his new huddle with 14:02 left in the second quarter in relief of Mark Sanchez, who was under siege for a change during two pedestrian series, for many who are mesmerized or captivated by him, for those who love his faith and also those who do not love him because of his unabashed public proclamations of his faith — to preach his own — it may as well have been the last two minutes of the Super Bowl.

He didn’t resemble anyone’s replacement quarterback during Bengals 17, Jets 6.

If there is to be a quarterback controversy down the road, the road to that quarterback controversy started inconspicuously last night.

When Tebow, except for one boneheaded interception on his last pass of the night, provided more evidence that the Winner Within him often bursts out on Gameday.

In other words, here comes Tebow.

There are miles to go before Sanchez loses sleep, but Tebow finally has awakened.

If you focus on his 18.2 QB rating, you are missing the point. He threw just eight passes, had one dropped. He moved his team. Led his team with 34 rushing yards. And remember, he has had limited reps in training camp.

His exaggerated windup is more compact more often now, and that rare “It” factor he possesses, making others around him better, showed up again.

Tebow started at his 40 and with linebacker Vincent Rey blitzing in his face, rifled a slant for 12 yards to rookie Stephen Hill. And then he let his rampaging legs do the talking for him. In trouble in the pocket, Tebow darted suddenly to his right and 14 yards later, his fists were clenched at his side, clearly reveling in the joy of the moment.

“I love playing the game of football,” Tebow said. “I know as a quarterback you want to have the icewater in your veins and the calm before the storm, but I’m an excited passionate football player … sometimes I just got to get it out a little bit.”

Then he held the ball and evaded Jamaal Anderson for 10 more yards.

“If you want to come after him,” Jets coach Rex Ryan said, “you better get to him.”

Field goal.

On his second series, Tebow watched Hill drop a third-and-seven pass that would have been a first down.

“I liked the poise he showed,” Ryan said.

When he wasn’t the personal punt protector, T.J. Conley had a punt blocked for a touchdown with 22 seconds left in the half.

Tebow made his fatal mistake when he disdained a checkdown to Joe McKnight or a run for a telegraphed pass in the left flat for tight end Jeff Cumberland that rookie Vontaze Burfict intercepted.

“I tried to put it low and outside, but the kid was undercutting it the whole time,” Tebow said. “Just a stupid play by me.”

It was the kind of decision that compels the Boomer Esiasons of this world to assail him as an NFL quarterback.

He remains a work in progress, but is nevertheless pleased with the throwing progress he has made. “I think it’s the footwork from the drops to being in balance and rhythm and timing,” Tebow said.

I asked him: “Your accuracy you think is markedly better than it was at the end of last season?”

“I feel like I’ve improved in a lot of ways and I feel like that is one of them, yes sir,” Tebow said.

Here’s how excited Tebow gets: He had to spring onto the field for his first punt protection duties because he was busy looking at pictures of the Bengals defense.

“Oh shoot, I’m out there,” Tebow said, and laughed.

The team belongs to Sanchez without question. Tebow intends to close the gap day by day. Maybe he will be little more than the Wildcat quarterback. Maybe passing Sanchez will be Mission Timpossible. But he never will believe that it is. He will be charging for tomorrow like a raging bull.