
Bloomberg goes after Christie — with kindness

Mayor Bloomberg today found a unique way of retaliating against New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie – he praised him as a fellow advocate for tougher gun laws.

It was undoubtedly the last thing that Christie, positioning himself as a possible running mate with Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, wanted to hear.

“I was pleased to see Gov. Christie speak out today,” said Bloomberg. “Some people tried to write he was opposed to what we’re trying to do. That’s not true. Gov. Christie has stood up for reciprocity, which means each state can have their own gun laws. I couldn’t agree more. Gov. Christie has said there are too many handguns in new Jersey. And Gov. Christie certainly, as [do] mayors, he gets the calls when somebody’s shot. I couldn’t agree more with the guy on those things.”

Christie on Monday lashed out at “opportunistic politicians” who he said were “trying to make political points in an election year” by demanding stricter gun laws.

He didn’t mention any names, but the politician speaking out the loudest on the issue is Bloomberg.

Christie’s office didn’t respond to e-mails seeking comment.