US News

Sandusky kept off the stand

Jerry Sandusky’s lawyers suddenly rested their case yesterday — without putting him on the stand — and his fate could be in the jury’s hands by tomorrow.

The former Penn State assistant football coach, facing 500 years in jail for sexually abusing young boys, wanted to testify, but was overruled by his attorneys, ABC News reported.

Defense lawyers wound up their case yesterday by trying to attack crucial testimony by former Sandusky colleague Mike McQueary. McQueary, the only third-party witness to the alleged attacks, testified last week he saw Sandusky apparently raping a 10-year-old boy in a shower.

A family friend of McQueary’s, Dr. Jonathan Dranov, testified yesterday that when he spoke to McQueary that night, “His voice was trembling. His hands were shaking. He was visibly shaken.”

Dranov said McQueary told him of hearing “sexual sounds,” but added that when he asked him if he’d seen a particular sex act, McQueary said no.
, AP