
Hondo invests just in Detroit

Hondo’s new winning theory –- No Pain, All Gain With Dickey and Cain — paid off handsomely again last night as he swept with the Mets and Giants to lower the IOUs to 1,320 gehringers

Tonight, Mr. Aitch expects Zoolander to walk the walk against the Cards — 10 units on the Tigers.


Emailer Len P. wants to know why all the Hollywood showbiz celebrities aren’t rallying around Jerry Sandusky as they did for Roman Polanski . . . Judging by the jury’s verdict yesterday, when Roger Clemens lost his cool and threw the broken bat at Mike Piazza in the 2000 World Series, he must have been overcome by B12 rage . . . It’s hard to tell who the main loser was with the Clemens verdict — the government or Mike “Lil Him” Lupica, who for years has been derisively referring to Rocket’s lawyer Rusty Hardin as “Matlock.” Then again, Lupica should be forgiven for being so short-sighted.