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Second Sandusky accuser details bedtime routine

BELLEFONTE, Pa. — The second day of the Jerry Sandusky criminal trial began Tuesday with tearful testimony from a young man who said he was sexually abused by the former Penn State assistant football coach.

Joseph McGettigan, senior deputy attorney general, questioned the witness for nearly an hour, guiding him through a detailed recounting of his alleged sexual encounters with Sandusky.

The young man, who has been referred to as Victim 1, was a freshman at a Clinton County, Pa., high school when his mother filed the initial complaint against Sandusky in 2008, which led to the state attorney general’s investigation.

On Tuesday morning the witness said he met Sandusky through the Second Mile charity, founded by the former coach, and was soon invited to football games and eventually slept over more than 100 times in the basement of the Sandusky home.

“At first it was, he would kiss me on the forehead good night. And then it came to him kissing me on the cheek and rubbing my back and pulling [me] on top of him and cracking my back,” the young man said. “I thought, ‘He sees me as family, and this is what family does.'”

The young man said the bedtime routine continued after he made attempts to hide under a pool table in the basement. He said Sandusky’s wife, Dottie, never came into the basement. He paused as McGettigan asked him how the activity developed over time.

“Back cracking, rolling around in bed, back massages. He put his hand down my shorts. The same thing except that this time he sat there and he looked at me and said something along the lines of, ‘It’s your turn.’ He made me … he made [me] put my mouth on his privates.”

In the end, the witness said, the two had oral sex more than 25 times.

On Monday, the first prosecution witness, known as Victim 4, said in often graphic testimony that Sandusky had sexually abused him about 50 times in the showers of Penn State’s athletic facilities.

Sandusky’s attorney Joe Amendola said in his opening statement Monday that the young men in the case had a financial motive to make false claims, and attacked their credibility.

Sandusky is charged with abusing 10 boys over a 15-year period, starting in 1994. The 68-year-old former defensive coordinator has denied that any sexual activity took place and has pleaded not guilty to 52 criminal counts.

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