
No ‘Friend’ to investors: Too much Facebook hype?

The Issue: The trading in Facebook stock after its IPO on the New York Stock Exchangelast Friday.


If Facebook stock increases in value, wealth could accrue to shareholders (“Zuckers!” May 19).

If Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg can figure out how to “monetize” the company, investors could benefit through a combination of capital gains, dividends, stock splits, distributions, mergers, acquisitions of companies that offer smartphone applications and Facebook buybacks of shares.

It’s not necessarily a bad bet.

Nelson Smilow



This whole Facebook stock-buying scene just proves the old saying: “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

Tom Dilberger

Belmar, NJ


I can’t wait for Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan to have their first child. I hope he or she would become the next generation’s Facebook CEO.

I would start the child off with his first present — one of my shares that made me 23 cents on the first day of trading. I hope the young Zuckerberg could turn it into a billion dollars.

That would make me $99 billion after getting 100 shares in the IPO, and it would be the big payoff I’m looking for.

Martin Blumberg



Millions of people can’t wait to buy stock in Facebook.

The first problem is that it’s a company that is rumored to have started on a lie.

Now people are going to give Zuckerberg billions of dollars for a Web site?

Wall Street is going to buy as much of this garbage as possible. But what happens next year when someone puts out a better Facebook-type Web site?

Wall Street’s hoping the stock skyrockets before others figure out the company isn’t worth anywhere near that much. Then it will sell the worthless stock to the “zuckers” who are hoping they didn’t get in too late.

I was tempted to buy some Facebook stock but realized that I’d have trouble sleeping at night knowing I joined in on the scam.

Now I’m just hoping that my mutual funds don’t get “zuckered” in the mix.

Vincent Tripp

Fort Lee, NJ