
‘Living wage’ law won’t make waivers

New York could end up as the only city in the nation with a “living wage” law that doesn’t provide for exemptions based on special circumstances.

City Council Speaker Christine Quinn yesterday described it as a “disappointment” that she couldn’t work out a waiver acceptable to both the unions pushing the law and the Partnership for New York City, the city’s leading business group.

“A number of other cities have that,” she said. “At the end of the process we just couldn’t come to an agreement on the scope, breadth and depth of a waiver in a way that was able to meet everybody’s needs.”

Partnership CEO Kathy Wylde, who stood with Quinn in January to support the controversial law, abruptly withdrew her support Wednesday night.

Wylde said she viewed the waiver as “common sense” to achieve what the city has set as its goal — raising wages without endangering jobs.

The proposed law requires that businesses accepting city subsidies of at least $1 million pay their workers at least $11.50 an hour, or $10 plus benefits. The minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour.

Mayor Bloomberg has vowed to veto the measure, but the council has enough votes for an override.