
Baldwin takes shot at accused stalker in Twitter rant

Alec Baldwin went on the offensive today using Twitter, citing the exclusive photo that The Post ran on its front page as proof his accused stalker was after him all along.

“Isn’t it odd when an accused stalker is in handcuffs, being taken away by the cops, yet smiles for the cameras?” the 30 Rock star tweeted.

Baldwin wrote, “My friend’s text: The last women to smile with handcuffs on were the manson girls.”

Baldwin was referring to his accused stalker, Genevieve Sabourin, who was photographed after being arrested outside Baldwin’s Greenwich Village apartment on Sunday night.


Sabourin was arraigned last night and was released without bail after a judge granted Baldwin a temporary order of protection.

Sabourin, a French-Canadian actress, claims that she shared a sexual relationship over the past two years with Baldwin.

Her lawyer, Julie Sender says that the two “had a mutual relationship, with texts, e-mails going in both directions.”

Baldwin, 53, admitted that he did take the 40-year-old actress out twice to help her land an acting role, but claimed their relationship was “strictly professional.”

Baldwin’s recent engagement to his 28-year-old girlfriend Hilaria Thomas allegedly sent Sabourin off the deep end.

Baldwin again used his Twitter account to express his feelings about his current situation.

“I am lucky and grateful in my life now, no matter what the motivations of certain others,” he wrote.

Thomas, a yoga instructor at Yoga Vida NYC, wrote that she would not allow Sabourin to derail her daily life.

“Life stops when u [sic] let crazy people dictate ur [sic] activities. My @YogaVidaNYC sched is always posted on,” Thomas wrote on her twitter account.

Baldwin’s fans also took shots at Sabourin.

“This is irrefutable proof that nothing good can ever come from the movie Pluto Nash!” Steve Milner, a Canadian, wrote.

Baldwin also retweeted a message from his daughter, Ireland, which read “love you Dad.”

“Now that made my day,” the actor wrote.