Serby’s Sunday Q & A with … Marian Gaborik

With the NHL playoffs on the horizon, Post columnist Steve Serby tracked down Rangers right wing Marian Gaborik for a Q&A session.

Q: I know you guys talk about one game at a time, but … is this team capable of winning a Stanley Cup?

A: Yeah. For sure. It’s our goal, and that’s what we’re hoping for.

Q: What do you like best about this Rangers team?

A: Very balanced team. We have four lines that can play. We have good goaltending, and I think everybody will follow our system. … When we’re five guys on the ice, everybody is involved in defense and offense as well. … We work like one big machine, I would say, that works together.

Q: How hungry is this team to win a Cup?

A: It is hungry. I think we proved it in the regular season. We’re going into playoffs from the first seed, so we have to take advantage of that. We have a very young team, so it’s gonna be a very good learning experience for some of the guys, and everybody’s looking forward to it.

Q: What is your message to Rangers fans?

A: Thank you for your support. Keep supporting us down the stretch right now, and we won’t disappoint you.

Q: Can they make a difference in the playoffs?

A: Of course they can, yeah. Create the best atmosphere as they can to be our seventh player.

Q: What’s the loudest you’ve heard the Garden?

A: It gets loud when we were playing good teams, or even last year in the playoffs. I think it’s gonna be the loudest I’ve ever experienced I’m sure now.

Q: What do you like best about playing in New York?

A: I love the city, and the atmosphere when you’re winning is unbelievable.

Q: What’s unique about it?

A: People just love you when you win. … The building is pumping, and everybody is enjoying it.

Q: So this could be a very exciting spring for New York Rangers fans?

A: Yeah, hopefully.

Q: Describe your first playoff game.

A: It was in Minnesota, it was in ’03 we had a big run. It was in Colorado. It was totally different than regular season. Everybody was amped up … just a different experience.

Q: How is it totally different from the regular season?

A: Everybody brings the game to another level. The atmosphere is amped up, everybody is amped up about that, and it’s pretty much a new season.

Q: Are the playoffs fun?

A: Yeah it’s fun. … Everybody wants to be in that position, to try to win a Cup.

Q: What would winning a Stanley Cup mean to you?

A: It’s everybody’s dream, mine as well. It’s the ultimate goal for me.

Q: Did you come back this season determined to show everybody the real Gaborik?

A: I think I did. A lot of things happened during the summer with a couple of unfortunate deaths of my buddies, Boogie (Derek Boogaard, who died in May 2011 of an accidental drug overdose) and (Pavol) Demetra (who died in a September plane crash), so that was tough. I was happy to jump right back into the season, and try to have a bounce-back year.

Q: Describe Demitra.

A: We were neighbors, he was one of my best friends … great guy, family guy. We played together in (Slovakia) national teams, also in Minnesota. … A lot of great memories. It’s very unfortunate what happened to all those guys in that plane crash.

Q: That affected you for a while?

A: I think about him very often. It’s hard to swallow, but when it happened, it was good that the season started, so I could get my mind into hockey.

Q: How about your Boogie?

A: Very sad what happened. I played with him in Minny and here as well. He was a good guy, but he was suffering from the things he was suffering, and it’s very sad and unfortunate.

Q: What did your 300th goal mean to you?

A: It was a nice achievement to accomplish that. Hopefully many more to come.

Q: If Rangers coach John Tortorella was not a hockey coach, what do you think he would be?

A: I don’t know. … I know he admires soldiers and the generals and stuff. I know he admires those guys that fight for a country. … He’s very demanding. He tries to get the maximum out of his players. He knows his system and he knows it works and everybody buys into it and I think that’s why we are where we are right now. He’s very intense, and that’s his job 100 percent.

Q: What is Ryan Callahan like off the ice?

A: I think he’s a natural leader. He’s a funny guy.

Q: Henrik Lundqvist?

A: He’s a little quiet … but everybody knows his style. He dresses up pretty much every day, even for practice. … I think he spends an hour to get ready — longer than his wife probably (chuckle). He’s one of the leaders that lead by example as well, and he’s gonna win Vezina, so …

Q: Brandon Dubinsky?

A: He’s got a little bit of a swagger to him, in a good way. This year’s been a little tough for him, but kept good spirits, and I think he’s gonna be a big piece for us going down in the playoffs.

Q: Define swagger.

A: I don’t know … good amount of confidence, in a good way, I would say.

Q: Do you have swagger?

A: I think so. You need to have a little confidence to play at this level we’re playing.

Q: Marc Staal?

A: He’s kinda quiet. He’s got a kinda funny humor about him. I don’t know how to explain it. He’s had a tough year when he wasn’t playing because of his concussion, but now I think the time is perfect for him to excel.

Q: Derek Stepan?

A: Young college kid (smile). Very mature for his age on and off the ice as well. He came a long way, I think.

Q: Brian Boyle?

A: He’s a big kid (smile).

Q: Brad Richards?

A: He’s also like a natural leader. He’s been around the league for a while, he won a Stanley Cup, so he knows the deal.

Q: What would you hope Rangers fans say about you?

A: I try to go out there and do my best every night … from the hockey point of view, exciting player to watch, I guess. … I don’t know, you have to ask them.

Q: Will this Rangers team go into the playoffs with swagger?

A: Yeah, think so.

Q: How much of a luxury or a comfort is it knowing that when you begin the playoffs Lundqvist will be your goaltender?

A: He’s the best in the league when he’s on top of his game, and that’s what we need going to playoffs, and everybody believes in him, and we have a lot of confidence when he’s in there.

Q: How did you score five goals against him once?

A: Everything I touched was pretty much going in. You’re in that kind of zone that everything is going your way, so it was an amazing night.

Q: Best practical joke you’ve played?

A: Cut some socks … the toes … it was a while ago though, not here. The other ones I can’t really reveal out there (smile).

Q: Your best “Borat” tweets.

A. Great succeeeees. … Very niceeeeee.

Q: Pregame meal?

A: Yeah at home at Richards’ place, he’s got a chef. A few of us go to his place, she makes a nice meal for us.

Q: Is it hard to believe you’re 30 years old now?

A: It is actually, yeah. The time’s flying so … I don’t feel like 30. … It seemed like a couple of years ago when I started playing.

Q: You think you’re faster now than you’ve ever been?

A: You mature, you know the game better, and obviously you try to stay in top shape and do your stuff offseason to keep you in that level.

Q: You live in the city?

A: I’m down in Tribeca.

Q: Do you go to Broadway plays at all?

A: I like “Rock of Ages,” “Mama Mia” … “Spider-Man” was good.

Q: Why is one of your causes helping fight childhood cancer?

A: To see young kids suffer, it’s very sad. … I was involved in the Ronald McDonald House for a while when I was back in Minnesota. It’s sad when they’re going through the process they’re going through. To put a smile on their face or to help them be needed, it’s a good feeling that you’re helping.

Q: Is there any one boy or girl that you became attached to?

A: There is this little boy Jack that he’s got — I don’t know the name of the type of the cancer — he’s got a tumor in his brain that kinda blocks or … pretty much he’s losing vision because of that. I met him when we played in Minnesota, brought him down to a morning skate, and then hung out with him a little bit.

Q: Who would you pick to play you if there was a movie about your life?

A: (Pause) Brad Pitt? (smile).

Q: Who would you pick to play Coach Tortorella?

A: Himself probably? (Laugh). … Maybe Al Pacino. He was in some football movie (“Any Given Sunday”). I just remember the one part that sometimes they show on the screen.

Q: He was intense during that part?

A: Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.

Q: Favorite meal?

A; I like sushi and steak. Mr. Chow’s go to a lot. … STK.

Q: Have you envisioned or dreamed of holding the Stanley Cup?

A: I have, yeah, for sure.
