
Oscar Watch: Golden Globes Twittermania

I gave up predicting the HFPA’s awards years ago, though you can read my personal preferences in Sunday’s Post. I do think my own choices for Best Picture/Drama (“The Descendants”) and Best Picture/Comedy or Muscial (“The Artist”) will prevail in the top two categories for the Golden Globes.

This year, for the first time, me and my dyspeptic critical colleague Kyle Smith will be liveblogging the Globes, accessible via a live twitter stream on the home page of beginning at 7 p.m. Eastern on Sunday. Kyle’s twitter handle is rkylesmith (for Ronald) and mine is loulumenick in case you’re wondering.

To warm up for my first livetweet coverage — I won’t be blogging this year — I warmed up with last night’s Critics Choice Movie Awards, a minor ceremony that provided unexpectedly rich opportunities for snarky comments.

“Ricky Gervais may want to watch his back,” Richard Horgan at Media Fishbowl LA wrote in his review of my tweets on Friday. Lumenick “took to Twitter last night to deliver a series of hilarious death blows to the dreadful broadcast that was the 2012 Critics’ Choice Awards.”

Curmugeonly blogger Jeffrey Wells, not normally a fan of mine, said I was “hilariously cranky.”

Some samples:

Is the set recycled from a revival of “Starlight Express”?

Just when you think it can’t get any stupider, the hosts bring out their midget “understudies.”

The interiors in Barry Lyndon look brighter than this.

This is the first awards show shot using nightvision cameras.

I’ve heard better house bands at bar mitzvahs.

Scorsese is probably wishing he could fix the sound mix

Does [Bob] Dylan have a no-close-up clause? Or are they just forgetting to do them?.

.Scorsese seems to be struggling to hear his own award presentation. Sound is incredibly lousy.

Not easy to make some of the most attractive people in the world look they came straight out of a casket.

Oh, and by the way Marty, you also won the documentary award. Now get the hell off the stage.

Where did they get this camera crew? San Bernadino Community College?

Cameraman mistakes Kirsten Dunst for Harvey Weinstein. Natural mistake.

The cameraman got Harvey Weinstein on the first try this time! Bravo!

This is the worst awards show I have ever seen — set, cameras, lights, sound — it’s just horrible!!

You can find my entire stream if you click on this link.