Humbled Giants safety Rolle won’t address Jets

Antrel Rolle’s mouth provided extra motivation to the Redskins, but the talkative Giants safety promised not to give the Jets any bulletin-board material leading up to Saturday’s showdown.

Asked yesterday on his weekly radio spot on WFAN how many times out of 100 he believes the Giants would beat the Jets, Rolle chuckled and said, “I really think I’m done answering that question. Washington made me put my foot in my mouth in that question. I think I still have it in there.’’

Following the season-opening loss to the Redskins, Rolle said the Giants would beat the Redskins 95 out of 100 times. Asked last week to clarify that remark, Rolle said the Giants would beat the Redskins 99 out of 100 times. Naturally, Redskins coach Mike Shanahan made sure his team was aware of Rolle’s comment, and quarterback Rex Grossman said they took the slight as a sign of disrespect.

“Definitely,’’ Grossman said on SiriusXM NFL Radio. “I mean, how can you take that comment any other way? I mean, 99 out of 100 times they are going to beat us? And we beat them two in a row this year? I’m not going to the casino with him anytime soon.’’


Informed the Redskins used his words at motivation, Rolle said, “As well as they should be. That’s not going to take away anything in what I feel. Words mean nothing, actions definitely speak louder than words and they were the better team in 2011.’’

But Rolle said he stood by his pre-game comments.

“No, I don’t go back on anything I say,” he said. “If it makes them step up and fight harder, then you know what? We need to step up and need to fight harder.’’

Rolle attempted to clear up comments he made immediately after Sunday’s 23-10 loss to the Redskins that players with nicks and bruises need to fight through and get out on the practice field. Rolle made sure not to single anyone out — he praised Justin Tuck’s performance despite missed practice time — but some reports linked Rolle’s words to Tuck or Ahmad Bradshaw, both of whom missed practice time during the week leading up to Redskins game.

“First of all, my comments weren’t directed to anyone in particular,’’ Rolle said. “I know the media, as always, is trying to pinpoint one of my guys — Justin Tuck. When I said what I said I didn’t pinpoint anybody’s name. My point was if we’re going to make the run we need to make, we need to have everyone on board.

“If it’s nicks or bruises, we have to learn how to push through it. … Legitimate injuries are legitimate injuries. I’m not saying be Superman. I’m saying if you can give us a little bit more, give us a little bit more.’’

Tuck, speaking on WFAN, said “If it was directed at me, whatever.’’

“I’ve talked to ‘Trell, and we’re on the same page,’’ added the defensive end.