
Battle of will-power

A lawyer and an accountant with a shady past who were put in charge of Huguette Clark’s fortune have met with fierce opposition in their efforts to administer her estate.

Lawyer Wallace Bock, 79, of Queens, and accountant Irving Kamsler, 64, of Riverdale, each received $500,000 in Clark’s will — a no-no since they were also her executors.

A criminal probe of the two prompted the state Attorney General’s Office, which is also investigating them, to object to their overseeing the estate.

What followed was a court-ordered accounting of the heiress’ finances, which list hundreds of payments over a 14-year period made by Bock and Kamsler in Clark’s name.

Kamsler, once caught in an online sex-predator sting, and Bock were once accused of swindling another elderly client.

Both have denied any wrongdoing in their handling of Clark’s affairs.