US News

Christie hits road for GOP

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New Jersey Governor Chris Christie wipes a tear as he responds to a woman’s request to run for president after he delivered remarks during the Perspectives on Leadership Forum at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, Calif.VIDEO: Christie says he’s not running in 2012 Getty Images
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Former first lady Nancy Reagan attends Christie’s speech. Getty Images
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A crowd listens to the New Jersey governor speak. Christie is on a Republican Party fund-raising tour with stops in Missouri and California. VIDEO: Christie says he’s not running in 2012 Getty Images
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Influential Republicans are urging Christie to run for president and are prepared to raise money. Getty Images
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Christie speaks as a screen shows the former first lady looking on. VIDEO: Christie says he’s not running in 2012 REUTERS
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Christie bows his head during a standing ovation after speaking at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum. VIDEO: Christie says he’s not running in 2012 Reuters
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The New Jersey governor speaks during a Republican Party fund-raising tour. VIDEO: Christie says he’s not running in 2012 UPI