US News

Iran frees US hikers

MUSCAT, Oman — After more than two years in Iranian custody, two Americans convicted as spies took their first steps toward home yesterday as they bounded down from a private jet and into the arms of family for a joyful reunion in the Gulf state of Oman.

The families called this “the best day of our lives,” and President Obama called their release, under a $1 million bail-for-freedom deal, “wonderful news.”

The release capped complicated diplomatic maneuvers over a week of confusing signals by Iran’s leadership on the fate of Josh Fattal and Shane Bauer.

Also returning to Oman was Sarah Shourd, who was arrested with Bauer and Fattal but freed a year ago. She received a marriage proposal from Bauer while in prison.

Meanwhile in New York, about 20 students at Columbia University protested a possible dinner attended by students and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.