
Qns. killer wife gets tripped up

Six months before a Queens woman blew away her allegedly abusive hubby in self-defense, she posed with him in a lovebird re-enactment of the classic Times Square V-J Day smooch during one their many vacations together, a prosecutor charged yesterday.

“So you lived in fear of your husband — but you still got on a plane to go places with him?’’ an incredulous Queens Assistant District Attorney Debra Pomodore asked Barbara Sheehan, 50, a mom of two accused of gunning down her retired-cop husband, Raymond, in 2009.

“Yes,’’ Sheehan admitted from the stand in Queens Supreme Court.

In fact, the pair had jetted to enough destinations to fill a glossy travel magazine: Las Vegas, the Dominican Republic, the Bahamas, Disney World and, closer to home, Lake George and the Jersey Shore.

Sheehan testified that one trip — in 2007 to Jamaica — turned violent when her abusive husband smashed her head against a cinder-block wall.

But “even after you were fearful to go anywhere with your husband after Jamaica, you still went places with him. In fact, you went on several [more] vacations, did you not?” Pomodore asked.

“We did travel often,’’ Sheehan replied.

Asked if she was ever sexually attacked by her husband, the defendant admitted, “No, he never raped me.

“[But] he made me do things’’ that would be considered “abuse,’’ she said.

Still, Pomodore pointed out, a month after the couple’s allegedly rough Jamaica trip, they were again off traveling together, this time to San Diego, where they re-enacted the famous V-J Day photo in which a sailor kisses a nurse in the middle of Times Square to mark the end of World War II.

Raymond, who retired as a cop in 2002, helped pay for their jet-setting lifestyle by earning $120,000 a year from a full-time position with UBS Financial Services, in addition to his police pension.

Prosecutors said Sheehan executed her husband by shooting him 11 times with two guns while he was shaving in the bathroom of their Howard Beach home.

Sheehan says she shot him in self-defense after he threatened to kill her and pointed a gun at her during an argument over her refusal to go to Florida with him on yet another jaunt.

The prosecutor asked Sheehan if she suspected her husband was having an affair.

“I didn’t care that he wasn’t sleeping with me,” Sheehan told jurors. “If I could have found out he was having an affair, it was easier for me to get out of the marriage.”

Pomodore struck quickly.

“You’d leave if he was having an affair,” the prosecutor said, “but you wouldn’t leave if he were beating you?”