
Toronto: Lebanon drama takes audience award

“Where Do We Go Now,” a French-langugage international production without an American distributor, took the Cadillac audience award, effectively the top prize at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival, announced today.

Nadine Labaki’s film is about Lebanese women who try to ease religious tensions between Christians and Muslims in their village. Past winners of the audience award have included Best Picture Oscar winners “The King’s Speech,” “Slumdog Millionaire,” “American Beauty” and “Chariots of Fire.”

“A Separation” and “Starbuck” were cited as runners up in this year’s competition chosen by festival goers. The audience award for best documentary went to “The Island President.”

Toronto does not give juried awards except for Canadian films. In these awards, “Monseiur Lazare” was named best picture, and “Edwin Boyd” was cited as first feature.