US News

Victim’s kin: Life for Sloot

The family of a murdered Peruvian student yesterday demanded that prosecutors upgrade the charges against her confessed killer — Dutch punk Joran van der Sloot — to try to put him behind bars for life.

Edward Alvarez Yrala, a lawyer for the family of slain Stephany Flores, 21, told judges the manslaughter indictment against van der Sloot, 23, “had mistakes.”

The lawyer said van der Sloot — still the prime suspect in the 2004 disappearance of American Natalee Holloway in Aruba — should have been charged with premeditated murder.

“The murder of Stephany Flores was not a sudden reaction to her seeing information on his laptop,” Alvarez said, according to CBS. “This was a planned act.”

Van der Sloot has confessed to killing Flores but said he snapped and beat and stabbed her only because he found her snooping in his laptop.