
Former Jets coach Mangini has ‘a lot of regrets’ over SpyGate

One of Eric Mangini’s regrets from his time as Jets coach was the result of the SpyGate investigation he initiated.

Mangini, now an analyst with ESPN, was on WEEI Radio in Boston on Tuesday morning and was asked about the 2007 drama that involved the Patriots videotaping the Jets’ sideline during a game between the AFC East rivals.

“It’s one of those things where the end result wasn’t the goal,” Mangini, who was an assistant on Bill Belichick’s staff with the Patriots before being hired by the Jets, told the radio station.

“I owe so much to Bill, I appreciate what he’s done for me and my intention was never to hurt him or the [Patriots] organization, the Kraft family. Yeah, there’s a lot of regrets. I didn’t want to hurt him or the Patriots by any stretch.”

The end result Mangini referred to was a $500,000 fine for Belichick, a $250,000 fine for the Patriots organization, and the loss of their 2008 first-round draft pick. It also put a stain on the Patriots three Super Bowl titles under Belichick, because Mangini likely knew of the tactics, having been a member of the New England staff.

“How it could have been different, how different decisions and events could have taken place, I’m not sure how it would have played out differently,” Mangini said. “I just didn’t want it to play out the way it did.”

Mangini was fired by the Jets after the 2008 season and spent the past two years as Browns head coach before being let go and joining ESPN. Mangini’s relationship with Belichick was strained by the incident and their postgame handshakes became photo opportunities for awkwardness.

Of his current relationship with Belichick, Mangini said, “Probably like the New England defense, it’s a work in progress.”