US News

Elizabeth Warren to announce US Senate run Wednesday

BOSTON — Former White House adviser and Harvard Law School professor Elizabeth Warren will announce Wednesday that she is challenging Sen. Scott Brown in Massachusetts, the Boston Globe reported.

Warren will meet with voters across the state, beginning with a stop at a Boston Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority station. She will then greet voters in New Bedford, Framingham, Worcester and Springfield.

Warren is not expected to make a speech announcing her candidacy, but her campaign website will reportedly feature a video on the major themes of her campaign.

Warren, 62, filed paperwork on Aug. 18 to form an exploratory committee for a possible challenge to Brown, who was swept into office in January 2010 to take the seat held by the late Democratic Sen. Edward Kennedy.

Warren has traveled across Massachusetts on a listening tour and created a website to solicit donations. She hinted strongly in August that she would launch a bid to unseat Brown.

“I spent years working against special interests and I have the battle scars to prove it — and I have no intention of stopping now,” she wrote in a blog post.

“It is time for me to think hard about what role I can play next to help rebuild a middle class that has been hacked at, chipped at, and pulled at for more than a generation — and that is under greater strain every day,” she wrote.

Several Democrats have already announced their intentions to run in next year’s Senate primary, but Warren is favored by national Democrats who worry none of the candidates are strong enough to beat Brown, the Globe reported.

Warren helped conceive the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a consumer watchdog agency created as part of the Dodd-Frank financial overhaul. However, she was passed over as President Barack Obama’s nominee to head the agency after Senate Republicans vowed to filibuster her nomination.

Republicans believe the watchdog agency is too powerful and will hurt US businesses, according to The Wall Street Journal.

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