US News

Ruth Madoff is ‘incognidough’

We’ve found the money — it’s stashed at a Florida ATM.

Here’s Ruth Madoff (pictured), in dark shades, arriving at a drive-through ATM in her brand-new black Honda Civic hybrid Sunday morning.

Ruth, who was used to traveling around in stretch limos, had to stretch from her modest ride to reach the Bank of America money machine in Boca Raton.

She didn’t drop the cash on anything extravagant, though. She headed straight back to her apartment complex.

Her husband, Bernie (in mug shot, inset) is serving a 150-year prison sentence for swindling $65 billion from thousands of victims during his decades-long Ponzi scheme.

Ruth, 70, has stopped visiting Ber nie at his North Car olina federal prison in the hopes of re building a relation ship with her son Andrew, according to recent reports.

She dumped Ber nie, 73, after her other son Mark’s suicide last December, Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper said.