
Cutting CUNY costs, one transfer at a time


According to Chancellor Matthew Goldstein, the CUNY transfer resolution was crafted to help students have a more “seamless” transition (“Matt Goldstein’s Mission,” Editorial, June 20).

Thousands of students, myself included, have had great difficulty. As a transfer student from Bronx Community College now majoring in finance at Baruch College, I know what it feels like to be denied transfer credits.

I thank the chancellor and the faculty for standing up to a system that left people like me in the cold.

With this resolution, all CUNY colleges will have access and ensure that all general-education credits are awarded to transfer students, saving both time and money.

Omar Murray



If the CUNY Board of Trustees passes the general-education requirements, it will decrease the amount of red tape that transferring students have to face.

Graduating from SUNY Sullivan County Community College and transferring to John Jay College of Criminal Justice, I had to fight for John Jay to accept all of my credits.

Anyone against this does not know what is best for students.

The economy is still in a crisis. Students cannot afford the price of education as it is, so for students to repay for classes they already took at the junior level is absurd.

The best solution is for CUNY’s Board of Trustees to pass this great proposal.

Junior-level students will have an easy transition into senior colleges. And once the students graduate from senior colleges, they will then be able to work in New York and generate revenue back into the economy.

This solution will offset the balance of the economic crisis that New York is facing.

Clement James


Fiscal Affairs

Student Senate




While Goldstein deserves praise for wanting to strengthen the liberal-arts curriculum at community colleges, he has ignored what has made community colleges extremely popular and successful around the country.

They are academic institutions that help students of all ages prepare for jobs in fields like nursing, computers, allied health and accounting.

From what I have read about CUNY’s general-education plan, Goldstein wants to add more liberal-arts classes at the expense of technical, career-oriented classes in the 60-credit associate’s degree programs.

This flies in the face of what has been working at community colleges nationwide.

The cold, hard truth is that liberal arts, by themselves, are no panacea. Sadly, all too many English and history majors from Ivy League colleges are unable to find work.

Students at community colleges need more, not fewer, career-oriented courses to succeed in the marketplace.

Lloyd Carroll

Rego Park


We all have been facing financial burdens, and the transfer policy will allow students to save money by not having to pay extra for classes they already have taken.

Students deserve to have all their hard-earned credits valued, no matter which CUNY college they attend, as the quality of their education should be valued equally.

It is courageous to remove a barrier that has negatively affected students, particularly students with disabilities, for decades.

Luis Gutierrez


Coalition for Students

with Disabilities

