
Weiner refuses to resign; taking leave of absence to get ‘treatment’


Sexting horndog Rep. Anthony Weiner yesterday defied demands from top Democratic leaders to resign — instead ditching Congress on a leave of absence to get “professional treatment.”

“Congressman Weiner takes the views of his colleagues very seriously and has determined that he needs this time to get healthy and make the best decision possible for himself, his family and his constituents,” his spokeswoman said.


Weiner, who sources said had been getting outpatient treatment all week in the city, flew out of town for around-the-clock care on a day of fast-moving developments in the scandal:

* A senior House Democratic aide told The Post the calls for his resignation — including one from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi — were a “coordinated effort that was kicked off once Weiner decided to seek treatment.”

* It was revealed that one of Weiner’s two female high-school admirers posted a sexually charged tweet alongside numerous messages professing her love for the married lawmaker.

* Weiner began the day with an embarrassing photo op — unloading an armload of dirty laundry on a Queens dry-cleaner while flanked by a small army of media.

“I’ve made some serious mistakes here. I have to redeem myself, and I’m going to try to get back to work,” he said.

Weiner’s spokeswoman refused to say where he was headed for rehab or the specific type of treatment, though sources said it was likely for sex addiction.

The quick exit was an astounding refusal to buckle under to calls to quit from Pelosi, Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Rep. Steve Israel, who heads the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

“Congressman Weiner has the love of his family, the confidence of his constituents, and the recognition that he needs help,” Pelosi said. “I urge Congressman Weiner to seek that help without the pressures of being a member of Congress.”

Added Wasserman Schultz: “The behavior he has exhibited is indefensible and Representative Weiner’s continued service in Congress is untenable.”

Israel called Weiner’s “inappropriate behavior” an “insurmountable distraction to the House,” saying that with “a heavy heart, I call on Anthony to resign.”

A Pelosi staffer confirmed, “At the time of her statement this afternoon, Leader Pelosi was already aware of Congressman Weiner’s intention to take a leave of absence in order to seek treatment.”

Weiner has yet to write a letter asking for a leave of absence — which he must do by the start of the new session tomorrow.

A leave of absence and whether a member continues to get paid has to be approved in the House, with the decision likely handled by congressional leadership, according to an expert on the rules.

Although Democratic Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina, the No. 3 House Democratic leader, declined to call for Weiner’s resignation, he said the entire Democratic caucus “should address this issue when we meet” this week.

The extraordinary political maneuvering came after conservative bloggers revealed tawdry tweets from a 17-year-old Delaware girl whom Weiner “followed” on Twitter.

“I love 69ing big hunt + like to use honey mustard as lube,” the teen, whose name is being withheld by The Post, wrote on May 22. “Ohh yeahh baby I love bdh weiner.”

It wasn’t clear what “big hunt” or the abbreviation “bdh” referred to.

The girl gushes about her “love” for Weiner in multiple tweets and postings on the blogging site Tumblr, including the April 13 declaration, “@RepWeiner I’m in love with you.”

The teen even got into a catty online spat with a California high-school girl who had just been dumped by Weiner as a follower after a campaign to get him as her “prom date.”

“Funny that you said you had a crush on a married politician. Are you forreal?” the California girl tweeted.

“I DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING PSYCHO GIRL. stop tweeting about me,” the Delaware teen shot back.

Weiner’s travails worsened Friday when New Castle County, Del., police showed up at the Delaware teen’s home to investigate her online relationship with the congressman.

A police spokeswoman said the investigation was continuing, though the girl’s family and Weiner denied inappropriate communication.

GOP Rep. Peter King said the taint of an underage girl allegedly involved in the scandal “really tipped it over” for Weiner.

Additional reporting by Georgett Roberts, Jennifer Fermino and Cathy Burke